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Dry Skin | page 3

Why it's Dermoi

Often dry skin on the face can be flaky and dull. The skin can feel dry as a result of a lack of oil.

Dry skin is usually harmless, however when it's not cared for, it can lead to atopic dermatitis (eczema).Furthermore, dry skin can be irritating and often makes us lack confidence in our appearance.

Our carefully curated range of products restore the oil balance in your skin, which is the best way to treat the cause of dry skin.

To treat dryness and flaky skin, it is best to find products for your skin type which hydrate the skin to prevent dryness. It’s important to have a skin care routine that focuses on nourishing the skin and replenishing its natural oils.

Additionally, it’s also important to avoid harsh products such as strong exfoliants which can cause further skin barrier damage on skin which is dry.

We have carefully selected the best face moisturisers, oils and serums which focus on restoring the skin’s natural moisture. These are our skincare for dry skin recommendations. Treat dry skin causes and restore your skin’s natural protective barrier today.

Browse our full range of skincare for dry skin below.


Itchy dry skin is one of the most common conditions which affects most of us at some point in our lives. The condition is often temporary, as well as seasonal.

Dry Skin Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of dry skin vary based on a number of factors. These include age, the weather, skin tone and sun exposure to name a few. Common symptoms include: flaking skin by the nose, flaking skin on the eyelids, tight skin, itchiness, as well as fine lines and cracks.

Dry skin becomes more common as we age. With age, our skin loses the ability to trap and bind water, and the amount of oil our skin produces decreases.¹

What Causes Dry Skin?

Many people experience dryness during winter. This is because winter air is often dryer, and indoor fires and heating systems additionally contribute to skin moisture loss. On the other hand, in summer those who spend a lot of the season indoors may also experience dryness. This results from exposure to the dry air that comes from air conditioning units.

Excessive exposure to water can also cause dryness, especially hot water. This is because hot water can strip away the skin’s natural oils, leading to dry skin itching.

Similarly, chemicals can also cause skin dryness. For example, swimmers who are often exposed to chlorine, or regular hand washers and those who regularly use hand sanitiser, risk irritating the skin and stripping natural oils.

Skin dryness can also arise as a result of medical conditions such as eczema, and psoriasis.²


1. Tončić R, Kezić S, Hadžavdić S, Marinović B. Skin Barrier and Dry Skin in the Mature Patient. Clinics in Dermatology. 2018;36(2):109-115.
2. Siddappa K. Dry Skin Conditions, Eczema and Emollients in Their Management. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. 2003;69(2):69-75.

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