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Cosmeceutical Skincare - dermoi


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The Role of Enzymes in Skin Care

Enzymes are proteins which act as catalysts for chemical reactions in the body. How does this factor into skin-care? It just so happens that Enzymes also work to break down keratin (a protein that’s used to bond dead skin cells together) on the upper-layer of the skin. The result is exfoliation which leaves you radiant, youthful skin.

Facial Enzymes For Exfoliation: A Gentle Alternative

In other words, exfoliating enzymes are a perfect alternative to AHAs and BHAs for those with more sensitive skin. Since they occur naturally and only work superficially, they’re less likely to produce an adverse reaction. That being said, if you’re looking for a deep-cleanse you can also use AHAs or BHAs in tandem with enzymes to have your skin feeling as smooth as can be.

Safe and Effective Exfoliation with Enzymes

What’s more, Enzymes are great as they do not interfere with melanin synthesis (pigment production) and can be specific for dead skin cell bonds.

This means they are safe to use on deeper skin tones and sensitive skin types. When formulated correctly, exfoliating enzymes will only act in the upper layers of the epidermis which minimizes the risk of over-exfoliating.

Beyond Skincare: Enzyme Supplements

Since enzymes are essential for a lot of bodily processes, they won’t only help your skin. When enzymes are incorporated into a digestive supplement, they help with digestion of food.

Enhancing Digestive Health with Enzyme Supplements

Enzyme supplements, available in various forms like enzyme capsules and digestive tablets, play a vital role in supporting digestive health. By aiding in the breakdown of food, these supplements can alleviate discomfort associated with digestive issues.

However, it's essential to choose the right enzyme formula tailored to specific needs, such as liver support or general digestive health.

Understanding Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Digestive enzyme supplements are widely used, especially in the UK, due to their benefits in improving nutrient absorption and overall digestive function.

While enzyme pills offer numerous advantages, it's crucial to be aware of potential side effects. Some individuals may experience bloating or other gastrointestinal discomfort.

Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any enzyme supplement regimen can help mitigate risks and ensure optimal results.




Proteolytic Enzymes In Skin Care

Proteolytic enzymes are powerful skincare actives that exfoliate the skin.¹ This means that they can release dead skin cells from the surface of the skin to promote a clear, bright, and smooth complexion.

Fruit Enzymes for Skin Exfoliation

Fruit enzymes (proteases) such as bromelain and papain can degrade the desmosomes (protein structures) that hold dead skin cells together.¹ This gently releases skin cells to exfoliate the skin.

The Benefits of Enzyme Skin Treatments & Enzyme Exfoliation

Exfoliating is a crucial step in skincare routines as it keeps the complex soft and smooth, and it can also promote the penetration of other skincare ingredients used afterward.

Exfoliation can also be helpful for those suffering with skin conditions such as acne or dry skin where the skin is flaking (hyperkeratinisation).

Enzyme Skin Peeler for Sensitive Skin

Enzymatic exfoliation is a great alternative to chemical exfoliation for those with sensitive skin or those with deeper skin tones. This is because enzymes can only target specific structures within the skin (corneo-desmosomes), in comparison to skincare acids which do not.

In addition, enzymes can assist in the dilation of pore openings in the skin to improve the appearance of clogged pores and comedones (whiteheads and blackheads).¹


What are enzyme supplements, and how do they benefit digestion?

Enzyme supplements contain specific enzymes that aid in the breakdown of food, supporting better digestion and nutrient absorption.

What are digestive enzyme supplements, and who can benefit from them?

Digestive enzyme supplements are formulated to enhance the digestion process, particularly for individuals experiencing digestive issues like bloating or discomfort after meals.

How do enzymes benefit the skin, and what are some popular enzyme sources?

Enzymes for the skin, such as those derived from papaya and pineapple, offer gentle exfoliation and can help improve skin texture and brightness.


1. Trevisol T, Henriques R, Souza A, Furigo A. An Overview of the Use of Proteolytic Enzymes as Exfoliating Agents. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2021.

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